The Future of Chief Executive Leadership in Aotearoa
Inquiries often come our way regarding the topic of leadership. This curiosity is understandable, given our dedication to engaging with, advising, coaching, observing, and studying leaders, both on a local and global scale.
In 2023, our focus turned towards examining the evolving landscape of Chief Executive Leadership in Aotearoa, and how the Chief Executive’s job has changed considerably over the past decade, and especially after the last three years of the pandemic. Technological know-how has become a prerequisite of the job. External stakeholders demand much more attention than they once did. Chief Executives must now spend considerable capital addressing the health and well-being of their employees. Attention to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and the call for leaders to speak out on societal issues are all on the rise. The public nature of the job is greater than ever as Chief Executives are increasingly being scrutinised for what they say and do (or don’t say/do!). Perhaps most critically, we are now in an era where volatility and uncertainty are the norm, not the exception.